Last week we had Caiden's 4 month well check. He is really growing!!! He weighs 17.12lbs, 94%, yes he is very heavy! He is a really tall boy too he is now 27 1/4 inches long, 98%, and his head is in the 88%. He is already starting to out grow his 6 month clothing and will soon be moving into 9 month. I can't believe he is 4 months and will soon be in 9 month clothing!!!
He is so much fun! He loves to smile, laugh and his limbs are constantly moving. We borrowed our friends Jumperoo and he loves to jump in it. One of Caidens favorite times of the day is the morning and when daddy comes home from work. I love to see Caidens eyes light up when he sees Hughey come home. Caiden starts smiling and laughing at Hughey but the best part is he always starts a conversation with daddy.
Caiden is now at the stage where he is drooling sooooo much! His clothes are always wet, including mine! He now grabs at things and everything goes in his mouth. He also loves to play with toys.
I went back to work a little over a month ago. Its going good. Hughey and I have decided that after this school year I will be staying home full time as a mommy. I am excited!!! So that means I only have about 2 1/2 months left then no more work!
I think I have filled you in on everything going on in our lives.
I have so many pictures that I would like to share but not enough space on this post. I chose some of my favorites. I will probably do a post soon of all pictures.
In this video Caiden is having fun looking at daddy! So cute!